How we work

At Myelin Solutions, operations are based on our database, Kraken, which interacts with our products. It supports our mission of autonomous decision-making: what works, for whom?

Our expertise

Our expertise in data analysis and technology has enabled us to develop our support and training services.

All connected

Our products and services work together to help us achieve our mission:

Empowering everyone to make the best mental health decisions


Kraken is the database behind our products, their backbone.
It represents the whole picture.


The Mylin application corresponds to the rows in the table.
It focuses on tools.

  • Tool 1 works for profile A
  • Tool 2 works for profiles A and C
  • Tool 3 works for profiles A and B


The Synerpsy application corresponds to the columns in the table.
It focuses on the user's profile.

  • Profile A can be aided by all the tools available.
  • Profile B can be aided by Tool 3
  • Profile C can be helped by Tool 2