Our mission

Empowering everyone to make the best mental health decisions.

We do this by developing products to help the public, offering training and coaching for organizations and businesses, and participating in the advancement of research in the field.

Our history

From 2017 to 2020, we developed a technology for collaboration and exchange in the field of autism.

When COVID-19 reached Canada in early 2020, we decided to respond by making our technology available for all types of helping relationships.

To meet the needs of as many people as possible, we have developed two products: Mylin and Synerpsy.

Our committees


Committee responsible for ensuring Myelin's ethics at all levels


Committee for Innovation, Research and Technological Development


Committee responsible for ensuring methodological rigor, transparency and data triangulation

Our values

Resilience through solidarity

It means managing challenges as they arise, together, as a block, while recognizing the existence of individuals within that block. It also means recognizing the need for diversity, and transcending fear of difference to seek it out and value it.

Empowerment through knowledge

Knowledge is not only the basis of empowerment, but also its result, because an empowered person has the power to create and share knowledge.

Growth through enthusiasm

Growth must be an intrinsic motivation that others can inspire: enthusiasm is contagious!

Excellence through humility

It means seeing ourselves as we are, not as we'd like to be, and seeing others as they are. Everyone has something to contribute. This is the basis of the scientific method.

Our team

To find out more about each member of the Myelin Solutions team, click on the names just below.

Perhaps you'll be the next member?

Our team

Marc-Olivier Schüle

François Menet

Marise Bonenfant

Geneviève Ouellette

Margaux Lanier

Clara Champagne-Laforest

Alex Beauséjour

James Oger

To find out more about each member of the Myelin Solutions team, click on the names to the left.

Perhaps you'll be the next member?

Marc-Olivier Schüle

Marc-Olivier is one of the co-founders of Myelin Solutions. He holds a doctorate in psychoeducation from the Université de Montréal, specializing in evidence-based practices and knowledge transfer in psychosocial fields. Having traveled the globe and worked with a wide variety of populations, he now devotes his life to improving mental health services by bridging the gap between science and practice. He has presented a TEDx conference in Laval, and is one of the few people to have received the Forces Avenir award twice.

On the other hand, don’t ask him to make you a cup of coffee – he’s incapable of learning how to dose it properly!

François Menet

François is one of the co-founders of Myelin Solutions. A computer scientist specializing in AI security and a graduate of École des Mines de Nancy in France, he completed his master’s degree at École Polytechnique de Montréal. He is the inventor of Spartan networks, deep neural networks that trade performance for robustness. Currently CTO of Myelin, he aims to develop new AI models to help science combat misinformation and bias, as well as next-generation backends to bridge the gap between the latest machine learning models and existing web technologies.

On the team, he’s the uncrowned but undisputed king of out-of-context puns!

Marise Bonenfant

Marise is one of the co-founders of Myelin, as well as its semantic technologies specialist. A student at the Université de Montréal, she is the pioneer of a new field of study at the intersection of knowledge management, information science and artificial intelligence. His work in the field of mental health includes designing new knowledge supply chains for patients, professionals and researchers. Co-President and Head of Knowledge at Myelin, she aims to empower Myelin customers and staff by providing the right information, in the right way, at the right time.

She scribbles constantly during meetings and is one of the greatest mandala designers ever!

Geneviève Ouellette

Geneviève was Myelin’s very first employee, and has been a loyal member of the team since the company’s earliest days. It is responsible for collecting and managing content in the Mylin application. She has a degree in documentation techniques and is currently studying computer science at Université de Montréal.

She first went into teaching French before changing career paths, but she still sometimes corrects her colleagues’ spelling.

Margaux Lanier

Margaux is in charge of communications and ecosystem relations at Myelin. With a degree in communication sciences and over a decade’s experience working for a major Quebec-based private company, she felt called by Myelin’s mission and values, and jumped in with both feet in early 2023. Among other things, Margaux manages our social networks and makes a point of breaking down taboos about mental health.

She loves people so much that she decided to train as a perinatal practitioner, purely out of passion!

Clara Champagne-Laforest

Clara started out as an intern in the summer of 2023, and is now our UI/UX designer. With a degree in interior design and soon to follow with a diploma in multimedia integration, her role at Myelin allows her to put her passion for design to good use, combining her skills in both physical and digital ergonomics with her artistic vision?

Clara’s boundless curiosity is also evident outside of work: she is without doubt the person who participates in the greatest number of different activities in the team!

Alex Beauséjour

Soon to graduate from Université de Montréal with a degree in psychology and sociology, Alex has been a Myelin indexer since August 2023. Her role, which involves reviewing, sorting and categorizing content for our Mylin platform, allows her to put to good use her academic and personal knowledge of mental health and autism, two subjects she is passionate about.

However, make sure you’re not in too much of a hurry if you have a question to ask her: she’s very talkative, and can easily lose track of time when she gets involved in a discussion!

James Oger

James joined the team at the end of 2023, after graduating from CEGEP Saint-Jérôme with a degree in web design and development. In his former professional life, he accumulated several years’ experience managing environmental projects in various Montreal eco-neighborhoods. Her career change was motivated by her passion for computers and web design. Convinced that the balance between nature and technology is essential, James strives to incorporate this vision into his projects.

He lives in the woods and divides his time between code and his axe!